The information regarding FD300 board and WinXP OS

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The information regarding FD300 board and WinXP OS

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Dear partners!

We must inform you that starting from the next version of our software (5.8.0) the FD300 board will not be supported by any products developed by the SoftLab-NSK company (Forward TN/ТТ/ТА/ТP, Forward TS, Forward Goalkeeper, Forward Referee). Assumed date of new software release is the 2nd-3rd quarter, 2016 approximately.

In light of this, the official exchange program of FD300 boards is starting. Participation is not obligatory. You may continue dealing with your FD300 board if you (and/or your clients) are fully satisfied with its work.

According to the program you can exchange the old FD300 board for a new FD322/FD422/FD842 board. If you return the old board you will be able to purchase a new board at a discount price. For example, the exchange price of the Forward TA (based on the FD300 board) to a corresponding product based on the FD322/FD422 boards will be 1090 USD (end-user price).

Both Softlab-NSK(with s/n 3xxx, 4xxx, 5xxx, 7xxx, 8xxx) and Darim (with s/n 3xxxxxxxx) boards can be exchanged.

Each FD300 board can be exchanged for one new board.

Please contact our Sales department ( to confirm an exact discount for you.

During the exchange you can switch to another product, for example one used for HD broadcasting.

When an old board is exchanged all earlier paid software licenses are transfered to the new FD322/FD422/FD842 board free of charge.


=the FD322 board is used for working with SD analog signals. Technical features:

=the FD422 board is used for working with SD/HD SDI signals. Technical features:

=the FD842 board is used for working with SD/HD SDI signals. Technical features are described at


The main advantages of new FD322/FD422/FD842 boards:

1. No compatibility issues with modern mother boards. Any m/b with free PCI-Express slots (х1, х4, х8, х16) is compatible.

2. The boards fully support SD 16:9 mode (PALplus).

3. The option to use modern OSs: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (testing is almost finished) including 64 bytes versions.

4. The option to work with a double-channel mode for the broadcasting of two independent TV signals from one board.

5. The boards work with a high productive PCI-Express bus. It offers more options for broadcasting.

6. The FD422/FD842 boards can be used for HD broadcasting.

7. The FD842 boards allows mixed broadcasting (one chanel in HD, the second one - in SD).


Contact our Sales department concerning the FD300 boards exchange program:


We must also inform you that all of the versions of SoftLab-NSK products software after and including version (5.8.0) will not support Windows XP OS and some other OSs any longer.

Support of the following OSs will be excluded:

Windows XP SP1/SP2/SP3
Windows Server 2003
Windows Vista
Windows Vista SP 1
Windows Server 2008
Windows 7
Windows Server 2008 R2

The main reason of the exclusion is the impossibility of using modern software tools for development.

The following OSs will be supported:

Windows 7 SP 1 (32/64-bit)
Windows 8.1 (32/64-bit)
Windows 10 (32/64-bit)

Windows Server 2008 R2 SP 1
Windows Server 2012 R2

We do not test our software's compatibility with Windows Server OSs officially. However, many of our users work with these OSs without any difficulties. If you wish to work with out software on Windows Server OSs some additional settings must be implemented. Please contact our Support department to get additional instructions:

The SoftLab-NSK TechSupport department